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Balanced Parenting

April, 2015

 Thrive or Survive... Newsletter!



Upcoming Events!



Coffee with Bette!


Tuesday,April 7th


The Stonehaus





April 8th


My Westlake Vlg Office

Please RSVP





is on hiatus until further notice.

Call for questions and advice on raising your tweens and teens.




"Coffee with Bette in the Valley"


Thurs., April 16th

9:30-11:00 AM

(third Thursday of each month)

Aroma Bakery & Café



Lots of love to you!




Like me on Facebook 


Follow me on Twitter 


balancedparenting on Instagram










It's already April and Spring Break is almost behind us.  It's the home stretch of the school year.  How was this year? Did your kids accomplish all you'd hoped they would? Did they thrive or barely survive? It's a time to reflect on what worked and what didn't and how next year could be better for everyone.


Many kids barely get through each day while others are slaying dragons right and left and making the most out of their lives.  Who are your kids on this spectrum? Are they trying to communicate something to you about what they need? Remember, kids don't often use their words to tell us they need something, they usually use their behavior and we have to interpret what's actually going on.  Sometimes, they use their words and we don't listen to them.


As Spring comes into full bloom, it's a great time to reflect and be insightful about how everyone is doing in your family.  Be honest with yourselves and ask "how can I support you in being even more successful?"


Happy April, Everyone!!


Wishing you balance,






coffee cup





April 7th, 2015

9:30-11:00 AM

(First Tuesday of each month)

The Stonehaus

Westlake Village



in the VALLEY"

Thursday, April 16th

9:30-11:00 AM

(Third Thursday of each month)

Aroma Bakery & Café



Bring the kids

Bring your friends

Bring your most burning parenting questions!


Let's start the spring off together and

kick up the rules a bit in your home!! 






Speaking Engagements Available!

Speaking to Parents in Groups, Schools, and Church/Synagogue Communities is one of my greatest joys. It enables me to share what I'm most passionate about and to give more parents tools and inspiration to make their families even better.

Thank you for introducing me to your community!

Now booking speaking engagements for Summer and Fall of 2015!

Did you know that my books are available on Amazon???

Parenting Backwards


Potty Learning: The Do's, Don'ts and the Oops of Poops


Click here to order!



Momipedia is an amazing resource to answer all of your parenting questions by some amazing experts! 
Check out Momipedia here! 


I'm also so honored to be on, an online parenting university. 


Check out my Potty Learning Course here! 


Spread the word!!!!